The New York Times, today, released their most viewed stories for 2013.
As might be expected, 3 of the Times’ top 10 stories dealt with the tragedy of the of the Boston Marathon bombing, while Angelina Jolie and Vladimir V. Putin drew international attention with their respective op-ed pieces.
Rounding out the most viewed stories on all platforms, was the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the 76-year-old Jesuit Archbishop of Buenos Aires as the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church, who selected the name Francis in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi.
In addition to the most viewed stories over all platforms, The Times has released the most viewed stories on individual platforms, including NYTimes.com, multi-media & interactives, mobile devices, top videos, ipad, and iphone apps.
-Bill Lucey
The Year's Most Visited All Content - Multiplatform 2013
1.) HOW Y'ALL, YOUSE AND YOU GUYS TALK, by Josh Katz & Wilson Andrews (December 21).
What does the way you speak say about where you're from? Answer the questions to see your
personal dialect map. http://is.gd/NTNYyZ
2.) BLASTS AT BOSTON MARATHON KILL 3 AND INJURE 100, by John Eligon & Michael Cooper
(April 15). Two bombs exploded seconds apart near the finish line at the Boston Marathon on
Monday, creating a bloody, chaotic scene more than four hours into the race. http://is.gd/EZBaLk
Katharine Q. Seelye, William K. Rashbaum & Michael Cooper (April 19). The teenage suspect
in the Boston Marathon bombings, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, was taken into custody in
Watertown, Mass., after a search that left his brother dead and the Boston area virtually shut
down. http://is.gd/LmvMZP
4.) MY MEDICAL CHOICE, by Angelina Jolie (May 14). Opening a conversation on women’s
health. http://is.gd/W1HH3O
5.) A Plea for Caution From Russia: What Putin Has to Say to Americans About Syria
By VLADIMIR V. PUTIN http://is.gd/nDZv7k
6.) THE SCIENTIFIC 7-MINUTE WORKOUT, by Gretchen Reynolds (May 9). In 12 exercises
deploying only body weight, a chair and a wall, it fulfills the latest mandates for highintensity
effort, which essentially combines a long run and a visit to the weight room into
about seven minutes of steady discomfort — all of it based on science. http://is.gd/LueJra
(April 15). Map showing the location of the bombings. http://is.gd/Vag8Ak
8.) INVISIBLE CHILD, by Andrea Elliott (December 9). There are more than 22,000 homeless children in
New York, the highest number since the Great Depression. This is one of their stories. http://is.gd/SKSsVz
9.) THE EXTRAORDINARY SCIENCE OF ADDICTIVE JUNK FOOD, by Michael Moss (February 20). Inside the
hyperengineered, savagely marketed, addiction-creating battle for American "stomach share". http://is.gd/eXlgRl
10.) CARDINALS PICK BERGOGLIO, WHO WILL BE POPE FRANCIS, by Rachel Donadio (March 13). The Roman Catholic Church's cardinals signaled that the faith's future lies in the Southern Hemisphere. http://is.gd/ksdN5T
Most Viewed Stories at NYTimes.com
1.) BLASTS AT BOSTON MARATHON KILL 3 AND INJURE 100, by John Eligon & Michael Cooper (April 15). Two bombs exploded seconds apart near the finish line at the Boston Marathon on Monday, creating a
bloody, chaotic scene more than four hours into the race. http://is.gd/EZBaLk
2.) MY MEDICAL CHOICE, by Angelina Jolie (May 14). Opening a conversation on women’s health. http://is.gd/W1HH3O
3.) THE SCIENTIFIC 7-MINUTE WORKOUT, by Gretchen Reynolds (May 9). In 12 exercises deploying only body weight, a chair and a wall, it fulfills the latest mandates for high-intensity effort, which essentially combines a long run and a visit to the weight room into about seven minutes of steady discomfort — all of it based on science. http://is.gd/LueJra
4.) A PLEA FOR CAUTION FROM RUSSIA, by Vladimir V. Putin (September 11). It is dangerous for any country, including America, to see itself as exceptional, whatever motivation. http://is.gd/nDZv7k
5.) 2ND BOMBING SUSPECT CAUGHT AFTER FRENZIED HUNT PARALYZES BOSTON, by Katharine Q. Seelye, William K. Rashbaum & Michael Cooper (April 19). The teenage suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, was taken into custody in Watertown, Mass., after a search that left his brother dead and the Boston area virtually shut down. http://is.gd/LmvMZP
6.) INVISIBLE CHILD, by Andrea Elliott (December 9). There are more than 22,000 homeless children in New York, the highest number since the Great Depression. This is one of their stories. http://is.gd/SKSsVz
7.) CARDINALS PICK BERGOGLIO, WHO WILL BE POPE FRANCIS, by Rachel Donadio (March 13). The Roman Catholic Church's cardinals signaled that the faith's future lies in the Southern Hemisphere. http://is.gd/ksdN5T
8.) THE EXTRAORDINARY SCIENCE OF ADDICTIVE JUNK FOOD, by Michael Moss (February 20). Inside the hyperengineered, savagely marketed, addiction-creating battle for American "stomach share.'' http://is.gd/eXlgRl
9.) APRIL 19 UPDATES ON AFTERMATH OF BOSTON MARATHON EXPLOSIONS, by The New York Times (April 19). The Lede is following the aftermath of Monday’s deadly explosions at the Boston Marathon, which killed three and injured more than 170 on Monday. http://is.gd/geTmi0
(January 10). Paul Schrader, Bret Easton Ellis, Lindsay Lohan and a porn star named James Deen try to make a movie for $250,000 that will save all of their careers. What could go wrong? http://is.gd/QmS737
Most Visited Multimedia and Interactives at NYTimes.com 2013
1.) HOW Y'ALL, YOUSE AND YOU GUYS TALK, by Josh Katz & Wilson Andrews (December 21). What does the way you speak say about where you're from? Answer the questions to see your personal dialect map. . http://is.gd/NTNYyZ
2.) SITE OF THE EXPLOSIONS AT THE BOSTON MARATHON - MAP, by The New York Times (April 15). Map showing the location of the bombings. http://is.gd/4zenAI
3.) THE 46 PLACES TO GO IN 2013, by The New York Times (January 11). See our list of destinations to visit, from No. 1 Rio to No. 46 Paris. http://is.gd/M62jb5
4.) 2013 HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE, by The New York Times (November 28). The best present ideas, selected by New York Times experts, for the people in your life who love food, music, movies, games, home design, fashion, books, travel and New York City. http://is.gd/0aUckv
5.) LIVE DASHBOARD: THE BOSTON MANHUNT, by The New York Times (April 15). The Boston Manhunt. http://is.gd/bdNAYi
6.) LIVE ANALYSIS OF THE SUPREME COURT DECISIONS ON GAY MARRIAGE, by The New York Times (June 26). The Supreme Court issued a pair of rulings Wednesday expanding gay rights. The Times is providing analysis of the decisions, their implications and the reaction to them. http://is.gd/XLOYeW
7.) HOW 5 COUNTRIES IN THE MIDDLE EAST COULD BECOME 14, by Robin Wright (September 28). Slowly, the map of the Middle East could be redrawn. An analysis by Robin Wright. http://is.gd/HV8rNs
8.) ESSENTIAL THANKSGIVING, by Julia Moskin & Melissa Clark (November 12). Your guide to the year’s most important meal, with our best recipes, videos, techniques and tricks. http://is.gd/QDuRg2
9.) THE HUNT FOR THE BOSTON BOMBING SUSPECTS, by The New York Times (April 19). One suspect in the Boston bombings is dead and the second was taken into custody Friday night. http://is.gd/LLEmsi
10.) LIVE COVERAGE OF THE 2013 OSCARS, by The New York Times (February 24). Respond to David Carr and A.O. Scott on Twitter. We will feature selected tweets. Use #NYTOscars and watch for their responses on air. Tweet with #NYTOscars. http://is.gd/HGSUo1
NYT's Most Visited Videos for 2013
1.) SYRIAN REBELS EXECUTE 7 SOLDIERS (September 5). Graphic video footage of Syrian rebels shooting and burying government soldiers. http://is.gd/P6HlyA
2.) SCALDED BY COFFEE, THEN NEWS MEDIA, by Retro Report (October 21). In 1992, Stella Liebeck spilled scalding McDonald’s coffee in her lap and later sued the company, attracting a flood of negative attention. It turns out there was more to the story. http://is.gd/amW0sr
3.) FINDING THE VISIBLE IN THE INVISIBLE, by Erik Olsen (February 27). A team of scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed a computer program that reveals colors and motions in video that are otherwise invisible to the naked eye. http://is.gd/HtRQGn
4.) 35 AND SINGLE, by Paula Schargorodsky (December 9). An Argentine woman shares her intimate search for love and answers: must she settle down or remain a free spirit in order to be happy?http://is.gd/0YdPY9
5.) WITNESSES TO CHAOS AT BOSTON MARATHON, by Brent McDonald & Channon Hodge (April 15). A runner and bystanders near the explosions at the Boston Marathon describe the blasts and the chaotic scene. http://is.gd/whQFt1
6.) THE UMBRELLA MAN, by Errol Morris (November 21). On the 48th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Errol Morris explores the story behind the one man seen standing under an open black umbrella at the site. http://is.gd/3nroIb
7.) VENEZUELA'S INFLATED VISION OF BEAUTY, by Jimmy Chalk (November 6). In Venezuela, women are confronted with a culture of increasingly enhanced physiques fueled by beauty pageants and plastic surgery. http://is.gd/JPmaiV
8.) THE CORVETTE XP-819, by Stuart Schwartzapfel (January 11). The XP-819 is a one-of-a-kind Corvette developed as a research vehicle by General Motors in the 1960s. The car is now being brought back to life at a restoration shop on Long Island. http://is.gd/H8Nx6i
9.) FIRE IN THE RUSSIAN SKY, by Mac William Bishop, Ben Werschkulm Lisa Desai & Rafael Rosado (February 15). The Times’s Ellen Barry and Richard P. Binzel, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor, discuss the explosive event over western Siberia on Friday. http://is.gd/ycbDiO
10.) HOW ABOUT A LITTLE LUXURY?, by Lawrence Ulrich, Emily Hagar, Axel Gerdau (March 22). Luxury vehicles have long pushed the limits of size, but automakers are now whipping up fancy bite-size models, confident that Americans are seeing the upside of small, yet artful, portions. http://is.gd/jKQGVb
Most Viewed Stories on M.NYTIMES.COM
1.) BLASTS AT BOSTON MARATHON KILL 3 AND INJURE 100, by John Eligon & Michael Cooper (April 15). Two bombs exploded seconds apart near the finish line at the Boston Marathon on Monday, creating a bloody, chaotic scene more than four hours into the race. http://is.gd/EZBaLk
2.) A PLEA FOR CAUTION FROM RUSSIA, by Vladimir V. Putin (September 11). It is dangerous for any country, including America, to see itself as exceptional, whatever its motivation. http://is.gd/nDZv7k
3.) THE SCIENTIFIC 7-MINUTE WORKOUT, by Gretchen Reynolds (May 9). In 12 exercises deploying only body weight, a chair and a wall, it fulfills the latest mandates for high-intensity effort, which essentially combines a long run and a visit to the weight room into about seven minutes of steady discomfort — all of it based on science. http://is.gd/LueJra
4.) UNDER SEATTLE, A BIG OBJECT BLOCKS BERTHA. WHAT IS IT?, by Kirk Johnson (December 19). Something unknown, engineers say, has blocked the progress of the biggest-diameter tunnel-boring machine in use on the planet. http://is.gd/pxZcbL
5.) CHRIS KYLE, AUTHOR OF 'AMERICAN SNIPER' REPORTED KILLED IN TEXAS, by Manny Fernandez & Michael Schwirtz (February 3). Chris Kyle, a former Navy SEAL, had taken a troubled fellow veteran to a gun range for a kind of therapy session, but the police said the man turned his gun on Mr. Kyle. http://is.gd/9KbZg7
6.) VAST OKLAHOMA TORNADO KILLS DOZENS, by Nick Oxford & Michael Schwirtz (May 20). Homes were flattened, cars flung through the air and at least two schools packed with children destroyed, sending rescuers to dig out those buried in rubble. http://is.gd/qmMVoa
7.) IN GRISLY IMAGE, A FATHER SEES HIS SON, by Tim Rohan (April 16). The family of Jeff Bauman, who lost his legs in the bombings, learned of his fate from an image of the bloodied young man being tended to by a man in a cowboy hat. http://is.gd/vLSFZj
8.) THE EXTRAORDINARY SCIENCE OF ADDICTIVE JUNK FOOD, by Michael Moss (February 20). Inside the hyperengineered, savagely marketed, addiction-creating battle for American “stomach share.” http://is.gd/eXlgRl
9.) BAFFLING 400,000-YEAR-OLD CLUE TO HUMAN ORIGINS, by Carl Zimmer (December 4). DNA from a fossil in Spain most closely matches another extinct human lineage, Denisovans, whose remains have been found thousands of miles away in Siberia. http://is.gd/oDAr6l
10.) THE HOLOCAUST JUST GOT MORE SHOCKING, by Eric Lichtblau (March 1). The Germans had vastly more work camps and ghettos than anyone knew. http://is.gd/ALbp8o
Most Viewed Stories on an iPhone App
1.) 2ND BOMBING SUSPECT CAUGHT AFTER FRENZIED HUNT PARALYZES BOSTON, by Katharine Q. Seelye, William K. Rashbaum and Michael Cooper (April 19). The teenage suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, was taken into custody in Watertown, Mass., after a search that left his brother dead and the Boston area virtually shut down. http://is.gd/LmvMZP
2.) BLASTS AT BOSTON MARATHON KILL 3 AND INJURE 100, by John Eligon & Michael Cooper (April 15). Two bombs exploded seconds apart near the finish line at the Boston Marathon on Monday, creating a bloody, chaotic scene more than four hours into the race. http://is.gd/EZBaLk
3.) BOMBING INQUIRY TURNS TO MOTIVE AND RUSSIAN TRIP, by Eric Schmitt, Michael S. Schmidt & Ellen Barry (April 20). With one suspect dead and the other lying wounded in a hospital, the investigation into the Boston bombings turned to the men’s motives, and to a trip one of them took to Chechnya and Dagestan. http://is.gd/pln7Bs
4.) REPUBLICANS BACK DOWN, ENDING CRISIS OVER SHUTDOWN AND DEBT LIMIT, by Johnathan Weisman & Ashley Parker (October 16). President Obama swiftly signed a bill funding the government through Jan. 15 and raising the debt limit through Feb. 7. after Senate talks produced a deal amounting to a near total defeat for conservatives. http://is.gd/nVsZim
5.) SUSPICIONS IN BOSTON ATTACK TURN TO MAN SEEN IN VIDEOS, by Katharine Q. Seelye, Scott Shane & Michael S. Schmidt (April 17). In the first major break in the hunt for the Boston Marathon bomber, F.B.I. personnel found security video showing a man they believe may have played a role in planting explosives. http://is.gd/M2a1lr
6.) GOVERNMENT SHUTS DOWN IN BUDGET IMPASSE, by Jonathan Weisman & Jeremy W. Peters (September 30). The federal government will shut down for the first time in nearly two decades after last-minute moves in both chambers of Congress failed to break a bitter budget standoff over the president’s health care law. http://is.gd/BeNTHX
7.) 2 DIE AND MANY ARE HURT AS PLANE CRASHES IN SAN FRANCISCO, by Norimitsu Onishi & Ravi Somaiya (July 6). An Asiana jetliner from South Korea crashed and caught fire, killing two people and injuring more than 180 others. http://is.gd/AgTHNN
8.) DIVIDED HOUSE PASSES TAX DEAL IN END TO LATEST FISCAL STANDOFF, by Jennifer Steinhauser (January 1). Ending a climactic showdown in the final hours of the 112th Congress, the House sent to President Obama legislation to avert big income tax increases on most Americans. http://is.gd/5knyAL
9.) TERROR ON JET: SEEING WATER, NOT RUNWAY, by Norimitsu Onishi, Christopher Drew, Matthew L. Wald & Sarah Maslin Nir (July 7). The pilot at the controls on Asiana Flight 214 was said to have had only 43 hours of experience flying a Boeing 777, and an airline spokeswoman said that it was his first time piloting a 777 into San Francisco. http://is.gd/Zn1OVO
10.) SENATORS RESTART TALKS AS DEFAULT LOOMS, by Jonathan Weisman (October 15). After the House postponed any action, the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, and Senator Mitch McConnell said that they had resumed talks on a deal to reopen the government and raise the debt limit. http://is.gd/M7g4bz
Most Viewed NYT's Stories on an iPad App for 2013
1.) THE 46 PLACES TO GO IN 2013, by The New York Times (January 11). See our list of destinations to visit, from No. 1 Rio to No. 46 Paris. http://is.gd/pXzFxI
2.) REPUBLICANS BACK DOWN, ENDING CRISIS OVER SHUTDOWN AND DEBT LIMIT, by Johnathan Weisman & Ashley Parker (October 16). President Obama swiftly signed a bill funding the government through Jan. 15 and raising the debt limit through Feb. 7. after Senate talks produced a deal amounting to a near total defeat for conservatives. http://is.gd/75zCYp
Seelye, William K. Rashbaum and Michael Cooper (April 19). The teenage suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, was taken into custody in Watertown, Mass., after a search that left his brother dead and the Boston area virtually shut down. http://is.gd/LmvMZP
4.) THE FINAL INSULT IN THE BUSH-CHENEY MARRIAGE, by Peter Baker (October 10). How Dick Cheney finally lost the president. http://is.gd/Sm4LC2
5.) BOMBING INQUIRY TURNS TO MOTIVE AND RUSSIAN TRIP, by Eric Schmitt, Michael S. Schmidt & Ellen Barry (April 20). With one suspect dead and the other lying wounded in a hospital, the investigation into the Boston bombings turned to the men’s motives, and to a trip one of them took to Chechnya and Dagestan. http://is.gd/pln7Bs
6.) SENATORS RESTART TALKS AS DEFAULT LOOMS, by Jonathan Weisman (October 15). After the House postponed any action, the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, and Senator Mitch McConnell said that they had resumed talks on a deal to reopen the government and raise the debt limit. http://is.gd/VtaJnW
7.) BLASTS AT BOSTON MARATHON KILL 3 AND INJURE 100, by John Eligon & Michael Cooper (April 15). Two bombs exploded seconds apart near the finish line at the Boston Marathon on Monday, creating a bloody, chaotic scene more than four hours into the race. http://is.gd/EZBaLk
8.) TERROR ON JET: SEEING WATER, NOT RUNWAY, by Norimitsu Onishi, Christopher Drew, Matthew L. Wald & Sarah Maslin Nir (July 7). The pilot at the controls on Asiana Flight 214 was said to have had only 43 hours of experience flying a Boeing 777, and an airline spokeswoman said that it was his first time piloting a 777 into San Francisco. http://is.gd/B1zZCc
9.) 100 NOTABLE BOOKS OF 2013, by The New York Times (November 27). The year’s notable fiction, poetry and nonfiction, selected by the editors of The New York Times Book Review. http://is.gd/0waXKP
10.) U.S. SHUTDOWN NEARS AS HOUSE WOTES TO DELAY HEALTH LAW, by Jonathan Weisman & Jeremy W. Peters (September 28). The federal government on Sunday barreled toward its first shutdown in 17 years as House Republicans voted to link further funding to a one-year delay of President Obama’s health care law. http://is.gd/kliUP4
Source: New York Times' Web Analytics Group.