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Lew Powell

Fascinating research, Bill -- thanks!

Bonnie Verburg

My 17-year-old son read THE GREAT GATSBY in high school this year, and I pulled out my copy of Berg's biography of Perkins to read my son the story behind the writing, editing, and publishing of THE GREAT GATSBY. Thank you for bringing this information to readers; I will give it to my son and to his teacher. I have been in book publishing for 36 years, and many of my bestsellers have come close to being cancelled by the publisher at the eleventh hour. Others have been published with no enthusiasm or promotion...until they sell millions of copies, and everyone claims credit. A number of stunning books received mixed reviews and never found their audience at all. Very common stories today, don't you think? Again, many thanks!

Theresa M. Moore

If it were not for the casual indifference with which his publisher treated the book, I'm sure that The Great Gatsby would have gone over very well. Many authors who have worked hard to create something of worth are often ignored, exploited and even milked for their creative genius, then discarded once their energy runs out. Is it any wonder that modern authors choose to self-publish, and take on the risk of failure themselves? It is a lesson which many do not learn as they blithely go through the paces of selecting an agent, then wait on the sidelines for no result.

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